Welcome to KPAstrology.com
This site holds information suitable for persons needing entry level KPAstrology support with basic information by way of interactive objects made in flash for easy understanding.
The end use of KPAstrology apart from being suitable for personal predictions which are subjective in nature, we have designed a visual flow in the form of KPGraphs which are now available to Learn and Earn using Intraday KPGraphs for trading in NIFTY and other World Indices.

KPAstrology offers knowledge and an opportunity to experience the concepts of Astrology as propounded by the Krishnamurti Paddhati which lets you feel that "Future is ours to see" If we can learn from your past. The adoption of KP and expansion of concepts are termed as SKP Shrikrishna Paddhati.
The following terms explain the subjectivity in historical analysis of an event leading to understanding of the self or of the target chart.
Co-Owners, Guardian-Lord, Dasha-Degrees, The extended Dasha Degrees, Event Analysis, Self Analysis, Event Triggers, Teaching Tools, Click-Learning, The use of the Cusp Controllers in Transit, Active Cusps and the development concepts described in other pages. The usage of the described SKP terms are reserved by kpastrology.com and its owners and also the right to implementation in Software is not released in the public domain.
SKP is a collection of all our efforts to simplify and understand Events based on Self Analysis as we do value Life between events as the most important aspect of our existence. Predictions by itself explain the end result whereas the means are kept beyond your reach.
Due Respect: The author and the site owners have due respect for Shri K. S. Krishnamurti the propounder of Krishnamurti Paddhati. This site has no reference to the heirs apparent of Krishnamurti Paddhati or their Institutions, Publications or their Business in any manner. We at kpastrology are not inclined to be the torch bearers for any specific streams or methods of analysis and refuse to indulge and or depend on historical texts. We do have reverence for historical past, but the path chosen can be different.
Self Help: All interested readers are requested in their own interest to read the books authored by Shri K. S. Krishnamurti to get a grip on the basics of the subject and the reasons for the deviations from other systems in vogue.

Kindly note that the KP-Graphs are Demo version for Pre-Trading time of World Indices, Other NSE Indices and Commodities respectively.
Individual graphs will also look similar and ideally should match your sentiment for the day. We offer training to help you understand such KP-Graphs.
If inclined you could buy your very own KP-Graphs to use in your daily life to understand the rise and fall of your sentiment on a daily basis.
In your daily life you could compare your experience and check the high and low periods in your workig day or at home.
KP-Graphs indicate only the high and low points of the day whereas subjective details will be relevant to your daily life.
KP-Graphs viewing and telephone support is a weekly paid service.